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Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:16 pm
by Jamz

"Hi, How Are You?"

"Oh, I’m not too bad, thanks."

That’s probably the most common greeting and response you will here all day every day.

What a nation of moody Titheads we are!!!

You’re not TOO bad??? As in: "Well, usually I’m really bad, man, but today it’s not quite as bad as my usual state..." Who the hell shat in your porridge this morning???


When I hear people say this, I want to sandpaper their eyeballs and stamp their face into a bucket of rock-salt.

It’s like everyone in the fking world is a manic depressive, and they’re happy with that!


It was only a few years back that I became aware of this going on around me - hell, I was even guilty of it myself. And from that moment I decided to Make A Change!

When someone asks me how I am, I will NEVER say "Not too bad", unless I’ve slit my wrists the day before and they’ve miraculously healed.

Say something positive FFS!

"I’m good, thanks!"

"I’m damn fine!"

Even "I’m ok" is better. Let people think you’re happy and enjoying living life, if you are! It might even brighten up their dull-ass day!

Who’s with me????

Let’s get some positivity back into this shat-filled nightmare of a world, and stop dragging ourselves down!


Re: Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:39 pm
by masterofinsanity
soo f*ckin true mate, i answer the phone every 2 mins on average 8 hours a day and all i get is the same, how about "i'm f*ckin quality" for a change?

Re: Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:23 pm
by Jamz
Same here!

Some of the customers calling in make me want to slit my wrists as soon as they answer!!!

Re: Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:21 pm
by RedexRobB
Yeah i hate that too, and im just as guilty. The one i hate, the one i absolutley fucking despise is when you ask how someone is they say 'yeah, so n so' :smt013 :smt013 To me thats theeee most ignorant way of saying i cant be bothered to talk.

But its pressures of modern day life i think. Did anyone hear on the news yesterday about england being an angry nation?

Who can blame us tho, weve got a toad government who likes to loose our personal details right at the height of identity theft, bills are going up, less money coming in. give me a damn good reason why i should be fucking happy?

Oh, and im having a good day today, so that makes me superb! :smt003

Re: Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:22 pm
by Scott221
I say im not too bad quite often, but i don't say it meaning im not too good. Its an Oxymoron in the sense that im saying im not too bad when im really good. So when/if i meet you jamz and I say "not too bad", i like my eyeballs where they are thanks!

Re: Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:32 pm
by tobomoto
got any other sayings that annoy you? a personal favourite is when people say 'at the end of the day...' surely at the end of the day its night? said that to my boss and nearly got the sack. saying beforehand 'your full of toad' probably didnt help...

Re: Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:16 am
by Jamz
Scott221 wrote:I say im not too bad quite often, but i don't say it meaning im not too good. Its an Oxymoron in the sense that im saying im not too bad when im really good. So when/if i meet you jamz and I say "not too bad", i like my eyeballs where they are thanks!

Keep your visor down and you'll be ok! :smt003

Re: Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:20 am
by Jamz
tobomoto wrote:got any other sayings that annoy you? a personal favourite is when people say 'at the end of the day...' surely at the end of the day its night? said that to my boss and nearly got the sack. saying beforehand 'your full of toad' probably didnt help...


I say a lot of them myself, too! :smt013

I'm too embarrassed to even put what they are lol!

Ooh! One is when people are recounting a tale and they keep saying "And he turned to me an said... and she turned around and said..." :smt013 :smt003

And I think most of you know the rage it inspires in me when people incorrectly use 'Borrow' and 'Lend'... :smt075

Re: Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 2:35 pm
by tobomoto
maybe there should be a seperate post for pet hates?

Re: Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:28 pm
by Jamz
tobomoto wrote:maybe there should be a seperate post for pet hates?
Go do it!

I'm not the kind of person who likes to stir up Trouble! :smt002


Re: Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 10:48 am
by Scott221
I think my personal hate is when these P**i's shout and theyre like. "Yeah i had butter on my toast innit"


Re: Hi, How Are You???

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:42 pm
by RedexRobB
