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Yep another newbie!

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:44 am
by BigNinjaDave
Hi guys & girls :smt006

Picked up a rather sorry looking zxr400 H1 track bike a couple of months ago so thought I would sneek across from mcnninjas and find out what there is to know about this little pocket rocket.



Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 12:03 pm
by RedexRobB
Welcome to the forum Dave, im a member over at mcnninjas also!

Hopefully we are all you will ever need :smt001

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 8:13 pm
by deviant
there's probably quite a few people on here that are also members of MCNNinjas. I read it quite a bit but rarely post.

welcome to the forum. so what's the story with your bike then? I sense a very-cheap-price-turns-into-huge-project :smt003

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 11:02 pm
by masterofinsanity
welcome dave hope you'll be a regular??

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 10:19 am
by BigNinjaDave
Thanks guys :smt001
deviant wrote:there's probably quite a few people on here that are also so what's the story with your bike then? I sense a very-cheap-price-turns-into-huge-project :smt003
I'm quite sure I have no idea what you mean! :smt003

It was £800 off fleebay but it runs and has a second set of wheels but she is showing signs of her age and just needs a bit of tinkering lol

Never going to be worth what I'll end up spending on her though!

Posted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:28 pm
by deviant
life would be incredibly dull if it was all about the resale value!