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Paint job advice

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 8:46 am
by rickyt28
Right, i'me thinkin of sprayin my bike black using rattle cans.
The right hand fairing has a big scrape on it and theres quite a few paint chips on other bodywork parts around the bike.
On the tank, a small section of the current paint has chipped off leaving a sort of small dent where i can see through to the original paintwork. This has made me wonder whether i need to strip the existing paint first (to stop things like that showing through) or whether i need to sand it smooth, or fill it or what?

I dont really like the idea of just spraying over the current paintjob (as the bike already has a custom paintjob on top of the original paint) and just building up layers and layers of paint.

Whats the usual process? I dont know where to start!

Re: Paint job advice

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 8:39 am
by dr-6pot
First steps
1. flat the whole panel down with 600 wet and dry
2. use panel wipe to clean off
3. repair any bad area with flexable filler
4. panel wipe
5. spary filler primer over the whole panel
6. flat back with 800 wet and dry
7. panel wipe.
8. spray with filler primer
9. flat back with 1000 wet and dry
10. check finsh , keep going till all the panel is mark free
11. panel wipe
12. paint color primer, even coat
13. panel wipe, check for imperfections.
14.if ok panel wipe the tack rag the area to be painted.
15. apply color coat 3 x coats till you have an even cover
16. panel wipe and tack rag clean area
17. apply 3 x coats of clear
18. leave at least 2 days if your leaving it to air dry
19. using 1200 wet and dry soaked in warm water with a splash of washing up liquid, flat the surface off, be careful not to spend to much time in one area.
20. useing a cutting polish G3 cut and polish the finsh.
21. polish surface with normal auto polish (of your choice, but not color magic)

how much time you spend on each stage will afect your final finish, prep is everything. hope this helps alittle;